Wednesday, March 23, 2011

How the British ethnocentric view of the First Australians caused conflict between the two cultures.

The way the first British colonizers viewed the Australian Aboriginals culture was extremely ethnocentric. The British did not accept the way the Australian Aboriginals acted because it was so different to their own customs. The British did horrible things to the Australian Aboriginals because of their differences. When the British first meet the Australian Aboriginals they got along well but as the British colony in Australia grew, the Australian Aboriginals and the British became more hostile to each other. The British started looking for more land to grow better crops and the Australian Aboriginals retaliated. The British thought that the Australian Aboriginals were savage and barbarous, because the Australian Aboriginals did not like the way the British advance their land grab on their scared lands. The British however thought it was perfectly fine and necessary to succeed in any way possible to advance their own way of life. All of this happened because the British were ethnocentric if they alternatively thought more about what life was like for the Australian Aboriginals then all of the fighting and conflict might not have happened. The British did not care what life was like for the Australian Aboriginals as long as it was fine for them. Since the British were so ethnocentric it caused lots of fights with the Australian Aboriginals. One of the reasons they fought was because they did not share each others views on life. Land to the Australian Aboriginals was scared and could not be owned. It was a part of their Dreamtime, their sacred beliefs. The British views were that land was to be conquered, cultivated and owned. That by landing at and discovering this new land that they had every right to declare it their own. Ethnocentric beliefs allowed the British to feel justified in their actions and superior to the Australian Aboriginals.

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